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- 09 / 06 / 2023 -

Asking for financial help this week for WBAI, some of the history of WBAI, the many times the station has come under threat, how people can pledge, the magic of radio, how a radio show differs from a podcast, how the BAI Buddy system is beneficial, why this hasn't been done in a while, why it helps to mention "Off The Hook" when pledging, how joining WBAI is like joining a mental gym, wandering around the WBAI schedule, why people always want to take over the radio station, the extremely valuable commodity that a radio station like WBAI is, the goal is ten new listeners in an hour, some of the more historic milestones that have aired on the station, remembering when the station was shut down a few years ago by a faction in Pacifica, how the station was won back in court, how easy it is to lose a resource like this, memories of another station takeover back in 2001, remembering an April Fool's prank where the station switched to a country format, how Gila was turned on to the station, how Kyle began listening, how Emmanuel got involved in radio, how WBAI came into being, the challenges that lie ahead, the show won't be on next week, a relevant song, a WBAI election announcement.

Overtime: Rob and Gila have a loud fan due to the heat wave, commenting on how few listeners there are, Rob's memories of hearing the show when he worked at an arcade, remembering the day Robert Knight was introduced to Julian Assange at the station following his "Off The Hook" appearance, the importance of having a radio station at Burning Man this year, questioning Emmanuel's levels, Gila's memories of the last time everyone was at the station together, adjusting levels in various ways, how this may be the only show that continues pitching after going off the air, wondering when the heat wave will break, Emmanuel is looking forward to Hurricane Lee, Kyle drifts in and out with a memory, how Google is destroying YouTube with advertising, Johnny Fever is back in the hospital, an IV port, the amount of technology in a hospital room, thoughts on congestion charges, not being able to own things anymore, respect for people who prefer to run older hardware and software, how Emmanuel's old TV set outlived analog TV, how people are shamed when they decide not to install the latest updates, the move to get rid of AM radio in cars, why the right to repair is so important, how people can continue to support WBAI.

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September 6
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Off The Hook Overtime
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Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here:


- 09 / 20 / 2023 -

The WBAI elections, why Emmanuel wants to sue Google, how the Gmail spam filter mislabels and loses a large amount of legitimate mail, how all of the blame is pointed at the sender without Gmail taking any responsibility, the impossibility of contacting Google, the very real damages being caused by this, a challenge to Gmail users to check their spam boxes for legitimate mail, how this is different than Twitter making rules for its users, some other ways that Gmail abuses its position, why the excuse that Gmail is a free service is not valid here, Gila reports on other instances where emails from trusted people wound up in spam, the whitelist function apparently doesn't work, how Google has destroyed YouTube, the potential of Twitter users being charged, how Google tries to get people to pay them not to show ads on YouTube, trying to understand the difference between YouTube and YouTube TV, the issue of leaving Twitter due to white supremacy, why it's important to stay and fight, why Alex is for the destruction of social media in general, Kyle is testing out the fediverse, why Emmanuel doesn't agree with the Mastodon policy of not allowing reposts to have comments attached, the Ethereum cofounder becomes the victim of a Twitter hack which caused a massive financial loss, a hacker appears to have briefly gained access to Donald Trump Junior's Twitter account, asking if there should be a penalty for hacking a Twitter account, Alex describes how a Twitter scam could work, the International Criminal Court will now investigate cybercrime, what the Rome Statute is, the International Criminal Court is hacked, another loss in the community, a clip and musical piece from Kurt Underscore.

Overtime: Trying to make volume adjustments based on listener feedback, using a dial tone to get levels, Rob encourages listeners to vote in the WBAI elections, a call from a university town in Pennsylvania, how Google has gone downhill, Alex relates a story of a Coinbase spoof through Google that resulted in a massive loss of money, how to avoid your searches being easily logged by Google, calling attention to the fact that Alex didn't remember Alex Jones' name, why WBAI doesn't run commercials, a call from Madrid, putting together an AI-based transcript of "Off The Hook," comparing good closed captioning to bad closed captioning, where 2600 meetings are in Madrid, an historic video from 1986 featuring Cheshire Catalyst is posted on Channel2600, remembering what Telepub '86 was all about, why Channel2600 doesn't encourage people to "like and subscribe," Emmanuel's issues with typical YouTube videos, Gila reports on what's happening in the chat, Zap reports another loss in the hacker community, confusion concerning the Manchester meeting, Alex and Zap try to make plans in London, Kyle's alleged origin story, why calls aren't taken on the radio show.

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September 20
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Off The Hook Overtime
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Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here:


- 09 / 27 / 2023 -

Looking forward to tonight's Republican debate, FEMA and the FCC will be conducting a nationwide test of emergency alerts next Wednesday, how Optimum cable overrides all programming on a nightly basis for an EAS test, how the national EAS test could be postponed due to an emergency, wondering what a "wireline video provider" is, Gila didn't get the last test notification, concern for people who have secret cell phones, why EAS wasn't activated during this year's fires in Hawaii, why it makes little sense to blame retail store closings due to theft on any political party, the effects of online shopping on how people treat brick and mortar stores, the concept of "shrink" in regards to merchandise and 2600's history with this, Gila's issue with needing physical access to items in stores, how a relatively small group of people are responsible for a significant amount of shoplifting, a new police robot makes its debut in the Times Square subway station, Google is killing Gmail's basic HTML version, Google touts its defective spam filter as a tool that keeps people safe, facial recognition technology is banned in New York State schools, other biometric identifying technology can be bought by local districts, how people now expect intrusive forms of technology to protect them, Gila's issue with parents helping to digitally identify their kids, the potential for a huge class action suit in the future, a decade of newborn child registry data has been breached in Canada, Alex details how this breach was able to happen, a "hacker gang" claims to have breached all of Sony's systems and is offering to sell it, an unusual twist, what to keep in mind while watching tonight's Republican debate.

Overtime: It's chilly in the studio, Alex is trying to call in, hearing from Rebel for the first time in a while, how people use self-checkout to steal things, the issue of "shrinkflation," Rebel's electric bike is stolen again, Rebel tries to get past a voice recording, Alex connects via Skype twice, the two 2600 books have been used to train artificial intelligence without permission, trying to decide whether to be angry or honored by this, questioning the political connection to the shoplifting problem, easy ways to engage in ripoffs, Emmanuel tries to get other people to talk, why it's foolish to intervene when someone else is shoplifting, the inevitable argument for facial recognition in such cases, the advantage of people knowing each other in building a supportive community, questioning whether it's legal for stores to search customers' bags, how Alex challenged such a policy in the past, how injustice thrives on people who don't have the time to fight it.

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September 27
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Off The Hook Overtime
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Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here:


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