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- 08 / 02 / 2023 -

A particularly complicated intro, the MTA is experimenting with artificial intelligence to combat fare evasion, a discussion as to how AI might be used to help solve this problem, questions about privacy and warrants, how this could possibly play out, how subsidies make a difference, the idea of free transit, the concept of Select buses in New York City, the advances that have been made in mass transit over the past decade, service inadequacies from the new Grand Central Madison, Twitter is changing its name to X, Gila explains Elon Musk's fascination with the letter X, how Musk is threatening the Center for Countering Digital Hate with a lawsuit, EFF critique on the seizure of a Mastodon server and admin behavior, how the server got caught up in an unrelated investigation, a parallel to Virgil Griffith's story, remembering when Emmanuel's Facebook account was being scrutinized by the FBI, the NYPD is seeking to encrypt its public communications, why Emmanuel deleted the Citizen app.

Overtime: The chatting option is enabled, why "slow commenting" is turned on, trying to get Alex to mute, methods of muting, Emmanuel's objections to chat rules, cocktail recipes, an oddity involving the meetings section of the 2600 website, Emmanuel ponders whether to continue a call from Rebel, ideas for rings, some tricks with mail delivery, 2600 meetings are scheduled for this Friday, defining IVR, Gila notes that "tweet" is being changed to "post" on Twitter, a call from Delchi, thoughts on how big Defcon is getting, finding the real Las Vegas, Alex's memories of getting ripped off in Las Vegas, Emmanuel discusses places in Africa to visit, wondering how to get to Madagascar from the African continent, Gila shares data on how quickly various countries use resources, what should happen to Julian Assange, inaction from the current administration, the chilling effect in how Assange has been treated, clarifying if there are 2600 meetings in the Washington DC area, the surprising lack of meetings in Canada, Kyle explains the 2600 Securedrop system, the kinds of submissions that are best suited for this service, Gila reveals more info on countries that use a lot of resources and what their "overshoot days" are, why the show continues to be remotely produced, the importance of helping local businesses recover from the pandemic.

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August 2
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Off The Hook Overtime
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Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here:


- 08 / 09 / 2023 -

Alex is in Las Vegas for Defcon, more sad news as the passing of Cheshire Catalyst is revealed, Cheshire attended every in-person HOPE conference, an excerpt from the very first "Off The Hook" in 1988 which featured a brief interview with Cheshire, the diverse interests that Cheshire had, memories of how everyone first met him, what the Telepub '86 conference was all about, how Cheshire helped take command at registration during the first HOPE conference in 1994, Gila finds a high school yearbook photo of Cheshire, how he was key in getting Steve Wozniak to speak at HOPE, the WBAI website is down which is affecting online listeners, the amount of access authorities will now have to Trump's Twitter account, Alex recalls previous efforts to subpoena Twitter, personal electoral records in the United Kingdom are leaked, how the story isn't being accurately reported, an apparent option to register anonymously, Alex is ironing, Cheshire's performance at HOPE's "Hackers Got Talent" in 2016, the show won't be on next week.

Overtime: Alex tries to get away early, thoughts about Utah Phillips, the Barbie hoax and how the media fell for it, another loss in the community, Kyle appeals for a spirit of fun in the face of seriousness, changing perspective, thoughts on what lies in the hereafter, a reminder that everyone is going through similar things, Rob recounts how people at last week's 2600 meeting remembered Kevin Mitnick, Alex leaves while believing the show is on next week, a critique of the quality of sound over phones these days, an appeal for landline calls, imagining phone calls that sound like FM radio, a call from Zap in London, more info on the British voting registrar, a question about Cheshire's book, Zap's memories of meeting Cheshire at HOPE, Emmanuel justifies his use of a satellite phone in the past, word that CNET is deleting stories to get better performance in Google search results, why Emmanuel is opposed to erasing content, Delchi recounts an old anti-hate PSA that has been almost impossible to find, Delchi's saga in tracking down this PSA, a fun fact about Reno, conspiring on how to spread the mysterious PSA around, finding multiple versions on YouTube, Emmanuel discovers "The Scariest Lost PSAs," Rob shares how to get involved with finding lost media.

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August 9
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Off The Hook Overtime
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Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here:


- 08 / 23 / 2023 -

Alex is in Slovenia, there are three guests tonight (Dildog, Medusa, and The Gibson), the Veilid project, a release by Cult of the Dead Cow, how this was written in Rust, Dildog explains the history of the project, fighting surveillance, why it took so long for someone to come up with an idea like this, why this won't be a hit with those invested in the data economy, a throwback to the values of the Internet in the 1990s, the reaction to the project so far, 1400 people are now working on this, what the framework will look like, how personal information won't be required on Veilid Chat, the challenges in making things small and fast, what this all means for end users, advantages and disadvantages to Mastodon, defining what the Cult of the Dead Cow is, memories of Back Orifice, how Alex's kid was targeted with political ads and how that relates here, sinister turns, questioning whether evil people could benefit from this project, rules to prevent abuse, an EAS test interrupts the broadcast, reports that the NSA runs 100 Tor exit nodes, where the name Veilid came from, contact info, why the team is not looking for investor funding.

Overtime: Alex leaves early, all three guests have stayed on, taking a selfie may soon be required in order to get verified on Twitter, how this indicates the loss of trust in the community, the reaction from those involved in tracking to this project, how Veilid might stand out on a network, the disruptive nature of the project, a challenge to the NSA Tor exit node claim, why we can never know for sure, the impossibility of Veilid policing what app developers do, a code of conduct for apps, how the developers can become a thorn in the side of behavior they don't approve of due to not being beholden to investors, believing in the good of people, where pushback to this project has come from, questioning why people would embark on something like this for no profit, some excerpts from the FAQ, discovering that there was some sort of EAS test during the show, how every government wants the ability to spy on its citizens, an appeal for more info from on-air listeners concerning the EAS test, possible reasons to switch from Signal to Veilid Chat in the future, failings of the current EAS system, how Optimum gets it extra wrong, how updates will work going forward, how no node in Veilid needs to trust another node, the development of adversarial node technology, "breaking it is a part of it," how people can join the Veilid Discord.

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August 23
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Off The Hook Overtime
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Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here:


- 08 / 30 / 2023 -

Alex is in Croatia, there will be a drive for new BAI Buddies next week, the Canadian parliament passes a law requiring social media networks to pay in order to access news content, social media sites have begun denying news links for Canada on their platforms, the idea of paying for links, how this might be more about previews than anything else, pleas for viewers of Canadian TV to download apps for various news publishers, the issue of immense profits being made with news content from other sources, how news about wildfires in Canada is being blocked by Facebook, trying to come up with an equitable solution, the weirdness of all the TikTok ads that aired during the Republican presidential debate, an MTA feature allows for tracking people, an example of how this could be abused, Rob and Gila give an example of the potential threat, abusing an OMNY card, what the "ride threshold" is, some of the various OMNY features that exist, some suggestions for better security, the FAA releases new compliance measures for drones, Kyle's perspective on what these new drone developments mean, there are 2600 meetings this Friday.

Overtime: Kyle has more info on drones, how this new policy will affect drones overseas, trying to figure out what the scratched out word on the show's picture is on YouTube, a spyware company is hacked, how spied-upon people had their data erased by hackers in order to protect them, a socially responsible hack, thoughts on coordinated takedowns, Kyle discusses an old drone that has been completely abandoned by the company that made it, what the top level domain for Croatia is and why, wondering why cities and countries can't be pronounced as they are in their native language, Alex's impressions of Croatia, thoughts on a campus cut off from the net, a listener's memories of gaining access to a system from the early 1990s, the concept of not having passwords, a guest suggestion, possible audio issues.

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August 30
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Off The Hook Overtime
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Off The Hook Overtime is also available on the Channel2600 YouTube channel here:


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