The HOPE 2020 flash drives are out! All 9 days are meticulously catalogued in both audio and video formats, completely free to copy and share on two large USB drives. In addition to every single talk that was presented (more than 125), you'll also get a video collection of musical performances that were presented each day at midnight, audio of the intermission music for each day, and the renowned "HOPE Bumps" that were shared with attendees between talks.

HOPE 2020 was an unexpected magical period in the midst of some very trying times - and we have the hacker community to thank for making it possible as well as ensuring our survival through what could have been a devastating summer. We're thrilled to be able to preserve and share these moments with presentations from all around the world - a true Hackers On Planet Earth event.

(We've obviously had to expand our full HOPE collection to include HOPE 2020. See how you can get EVERYTHING here.)