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- 09 / 05 / 23 -

It's the middle of a heat wave, questioning why people say summer ends after Labor Day, a climate change bumper sticker idea, imagining soccer with limited use of hands, hand ball calls that seem unfair, over 90,000 people show up for a volleyball game in Nebraska, effects of the writers' strike, wondering how a strike could shut down reality TV, Emmanuel's frustration at discovering there has been a massive soccer tournament involving 99 teams that has been happening for 108 years, more details on the U.S. Open Cup, an anti-Semitic outburst at today's U.S. Open, Nazis marching openly in Florida, how Elon Musk is threatening the Anti-Defamation League, why it's important to remain on platforms to fight the ugliness, central Florida lawmakers pledge to stop businesses from displaying rainbow decals in their shop windows, Emmanuel comes up with a headline concerning upcoming Trump trials in the middle of his campaign, redrawing voting districts in Alabama after the state fails to abide by a court ruling, the importance of fighting for these things, a similar case in Florida, how Republicans have set things up in Kentucky to take away the authority of the governor to appoint a replacement for a senator, how Republicans play the long game, Kyle's issue with this assessment, a spirited debate, the very real possibility that Trump could win next year, the importance of being able to defend your position, Biden goes to Florida to meet with Hurricane Idalia victims, how Governor DeSantis refused to show up, George Santos is possibly considering a plea deal, how Democrats would have handled such a person, seeing Trump prosecuted proves that the system works, why it's important to push people into explaining why they support certain rules that target various groups of people, the self-censorship Kyle and Emmanuel must engage in on the radio.

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September 5
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- 09 / 12 / 23 -

The "day of a lot of stuff," a horrendous week for the local football teams, the idea of getting Colin Kaepernick to play for the Jets, an upheaval in Spanish women's football, what it took to fire the coach after winning the World Cup, the scandal of "the kiss," fighting for the people who don't have a voice, Kevin McCarthy pushes an impeachment inquiry into Biden, a train wreck of a quote, why Biden was in Alaska on 9/11, how McCarthy is being threatened by a radical wing of the Republican Party, Kyle's representative's quote on the matter, the Republican supermajority in Wisconsin panics over a liberal judge's appointment, a rebuke to Jim Jordan's attempt to interfere in the Georgia prosecution against Trump, some of the threats received against the prosecutor in Georgia, freaking out over the migrant crisis, a particular shameful quote from New York City Mayor Eric Adams, how Democrats are playing right into the hands of Republicans, a look at how New York City's East Village is handling asylum seekers, examples of how bureaucracies are thwarting attempts to help, who the asylum seekers actually are, the SUNY statement for undocumented student applicants, an escaped murderer in Pennsylvania is whipping the right wing into a frenzy, some of the misinformation being spread, how the escaped convict was able to easily get a gun, how the cops missed several opportunities to make an arrest, a tribute to Woody Guthrie.

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September 12
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- 09 / 19 / 23 -

Emmanuel realizes he says the same words every week, Stony Brook achieved its best ever SUNY rankings, Emmanuel didn't get into Stony Brook when he first applied, hostility towards roommates who have their whole college careers planned out, Emmanuel grew up in the "S" section of Stony Brook, why getting rejected from the university at Stony Brook wasn't an option, how an essay was able to get him accepted, how his life would have been radically different had this not happened, why college should be an adventure, more on Stony Brook's ranking, Kyle's thoughts on the college experience, courses that Kyle and Emmanuel failed, Emmanuel's key decision in adding another year to college, Hofstra University reacts bitterly to their lowered ranking, Kyle and Emmanuel spend some time in New York City, the amazingly positive vibes that exist there, the misinformation being spread by ignorant people about migrants, how solutions are treated as problems by those who want to cast blame, there's a United Auto Workers strike going on at the moment, wondering why this will be bad for Biden, how auto workers who think Trump is on their side deserve what they get, memories of shows in 2016 where Kyle and Emmanuel didn't know a single person who supported Trump, how Biden is unfairly mocked for his age when in reality it's hard to keep up with him, the idiocy of boycotting news networks whenever a different perspective airs, why interviewing Trump on "Meet The Press" wasn't a bad idea, why Emmanuel is still on Twitter, how local leaders are helping to spread racism, racial slurs from white kids at a high school football game in Riverhead, the trickle down effect, the band director of the Birmingham football team is tased by police because his band didn't stop playing on time, a black student in Texas is punished for having dreadlocks, bomb threats against Long Island synagogues, embracing pirate justice on occasion.

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September 19
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- 09 / 26 / 23 -

Autumn arrives suddenly, why Emmanuel enjoyed the rainy weekend, the crickets have arrived, how it's almost impossible to see a cricket making noise, why action against the yellowjackets has been put on hold, a variety of insect bites, Kyle sees a spider catch a stink bug, Emmanuel still wants a second winter this year to make up for the last one, how offensive team names have been successfully changed in the major leagues, the Massapequa school district sues to keep Native American mascots, why this isn't a free speech issue, other Long Island school districts may also challenge the ban, the argument that only elected officials should have a say in this matter, opinions from local tribes, Republicans manage to kick a local candidate off the ballot for not living in the district while not having a problem with Representative Nick LaLota living outside his district, addressing LaLota's hostility towards asylum seekers, the real cause of the immigration crisis, disturbing poll numbers, what to look forward to in a second Trump administration, how Republicans don't seem to be held up to the same scrutiny as Democrats, trying to understand people's fear of crossing Trump, how the retrieval of asteroid samples shows what we're capable of, what a poll asking about our fellow citizens might show, Alabama Republicans are ordered again to change their biased district maps.

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September 26
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