this site was owned by, me,  zero. bitch, dont fawq with me, you ghetto ass lovin f00lz!

you and your shitty admins....what the fawq do you do all day? eat dog food and drink urine?

FYI: but do you know why i hacked your site? well, number one, i dont think it was very nice that the feds had to lock Kevin Mitnick. He didnt do anything THAT BAD!!!. man, c'mon, you guys have him locked up without bail, no court hearing...nada. free his ass now before we ALL, and i mean the whole hacker community, gets REALLY in this. Now, just to tell you, this was a random hack. I have nothing against you just have a shithead for an admin. i hope i didnt upset anyone that bad, but look on the bright side, i secured your box. =P No more intruders in your box untill you fuck with it and disable what i fixed. no sniffers or anything, im not mean.

greets out to:

-    lobotomy    -    smoothy     -    khromy    -     kryptek    -     overdosis    -    T4K      -     Aphect -    Deigo Dude    -

and all of 2600!!!

and to everyone else who's name i fergot, since im wringing this html down in 2.3 seconds, =)