Who are the el33t? Why should corporate South Africa ph33r their ereeto hax0r skillz? Is it because the el33t replace their E's with 3's and A's with 4's and bitch about Kevin Mitnick while routing packets through their cellular phones to command their botnets to knock out a T3 with a 33.6?? They should ph33r because somewhere a pissed off 14 year old can hijack their networks and turn their $10,000 Alpha into a Commodore 64 while proving the $40,000/year administrator belongs on a WebTV terminal and the only thing he can program is his VCR. Ready .ZA?:
load "ph33r",8,1 - cant remember where i got this from ..heh ..neato piece of text.

Another r00t by akt0r and DajinX fr0m th3 b10zCrew. We think the police are gay. ph44r 0ur 3r33tm h4x0r1ng sk1llz0r...w3 r0x3r j00 mueheheheh.....0wn1n 0ne .g0v b0x1n at a thim3. YOU CAN'T STOP US!!! DIEEE!!!! BITCHES!! are we on the mostwanted list yet ? ;P Baby i luv these h1gh pr0file haqz....d0Gg3y sTyL3

w3 ar3 t00 s3xY f0r you b1tch3z .... muehehe. .. see the smile on my face ? bl0w me you SAPS pussy's....fanmail can be send to purplechaos@hotmail.com

Shoutz - h1gh, freaky, wRL-1nEr, daimian, c0din f00, c0re, lyw0d, ne0nghost, logeck, spectrum <= b10zCrew.

International Shoutz - johnny861, tophat - www.mobsters.net, gH, mosthated - www.pure-security.net, fuqrag, zyklon - much respect, f0rpAxe - where you homiez gone to ?, m1lw0rm - heh wut happend to j00 guyz ?, ULG - u guyz out of da scene now ?, lotus, log[]ik, ZA homiez, attrtition, hnn, #flem - gimme the key ;P, flipz, ytcracker - you are a neato homie like j00r trax and style, gpsch1x0r, ssh - y0 y0, kevin mitnick - heh mail me when you get out of jail, PHC - contact h1gh, dc - dewd p0ne me again sometime, natalie portman - you are just so kewt. And all the other homiez around the w0rld.
