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- 05 / 03 / 11 -

Emmanuel is floored by the bin Laden story, the show will be devoted mostly to phone calls on this momentous occasion, how there have been so many false alarms in the past, some of the questions that have been raised so far, some sloppiness in reporting, Emmanuel's issues with the timing of the operation, how someone in Pakistan inadvertently tweeted the ongoing raid, listener questions about what happened on September 11th, debunking conspiracy theories, the perspective from Iowa, wondering what will change in the wake of bin Laden's death, there's a serial killer on the loose, the appropriateness of celebrating death, the racist links to some of the attacks on Obama, positive movement, revisionism in the coverage of Arab reaction to September 11th, why some leaders and regions are targeted while others aren't, why expecting a trial for Bin Laden was naive, words from the father of a 9/11 victim.

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May 3
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- 05 / 10 / 11 -

How to properly pronounce Bruce Cockburn's name, it's very pleasant outside, the magic of spring, Emmanuel's American satellite dish is blocked by a tree, some examples of insect and wildlife spring occurrences, why Emmanuel doesn't like to use pesticides, an ant investigation, the behavior of a cat after catching a mouse, attributes that animals have, Florida's refusal of high speed rail money leads to 22 other projects around the country being funded, the slowness of the Long Island Railroad and how a simple derailment has crippled commuter traffic for the past few days, the recent simplistic Al Qaeda threat involving trains, the reaction from local politicians, contrasting the mood in Canada as experienced last year, instances of train tunnel trespassing and the ensuing overreaction, Emmanuel's experience walking through the 63rd Street tunnel, how the MTA robs customers, the story of a mysterious police shooting at the Holland Tunnel, some questions to ask, some comments by Vladimir Putin that ring true concerning the ongoing NATO action in Libya, the case of two imams pulled off an airplane in Tennessee because of an uneasy pilot, how such a situation should be dealt with, the story of an Hasidic newspaper in Brooklyn that erased pictures of women in the White House situation room during the bin Laden mission, Cat Stevens' controversial reputation.

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May 10
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- 05 / 17 / 11 -

The wrong "Concert Billboard," Emmanuel has a new appointment for grand jury duty next week, some of the strange rules that go along with this, Emmanuel may be on "Frontline" next week, a controversy over local deer, another mouse adventure, more on the various emotions displayed by animals, why killing isn't the answer, Judgment Day is coming this weekend, some key questions concerning what lies ahead, a reading on just what Judgment Day is all about, trying hard not to show disrespect, how it's the gay rights movement that is being blamed for the impending end of the world, an excerpt on the second coming of Christ from Family Radio, a request for the radio network's frequencies and equipment in the buildup to the end of the world, the power of this particular radio network, uncertainty about next week's show.

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May 17
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- 05 / 24 / 11 -

Emmanuel describes what yesterday was like when he had to report for grand jury service, what is involved in this type of jury duty, the story of why Emmanuel had to carry a big black bag into the jury room, how Google helped to create pandemonium for Emmanuel while trying to find an address in Queens last week, the additional problem with commercial plates, the windshield wipers on the 2600 van quit working in the middle of a downpour, how people always seem to stick up for Google whenever there's a problem, problems with Gmail, some of the obvious security issues that people seem to ignore, how the user seems to always get blamed, how it's easy to label end users as morons by default, the 2600 website is blocked at the Riverhead courthouse, why it's unfair to block this site, there is no interview when selecting a grand jury, some of the excuses people could use to get out of it, the torture of the selection process, the piece of paper that excuses Emmanuel from jury service for six years, Emmanuel will be driving to Arizona and hitting his first Starbucks in the near future, the world didn't end over the weekend after all, why such predictions are always doomed to failure, it looks like Winnipeg will be getting its hockey team back after all, a state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage is set to be on the ballot in Minnesota in 2012, the tactical reason for this, an update on Emmanuel's Smart car key issue, why Big Audio Dynamite is to blame, a web page that addresses the issue directly, it's Bob Dylan's 70th birthday today, an aborted finish, something more appropriate from John Lennon.

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May 24
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- 05 / 31 / 11 -

It's unusually hot and humid for this time of year, battling summertime depression, why life tends to get negative, Emmanuel's philosophy on faith, how anything is possible, what makes it all fun, it's now official that Winnipeg will be getting an NHL team again, a letter from Winnipeg, how Emmanuel follows sports without being a sports fan, a Winnipeg woman's computer is targeted by scammers, a referendum on a local coliseum looms, how this could result in Quebec getting their NHL team back, potential health effects of cell phones, bemoaning the lack of landlines, similarities between Google and Mac defenders, information on the spaghetti monster, Emmanuel's appearance on "Frontline," a listener is headed to Kansas for a Bradley Manning support rally, some major computer failures of the past and present, clarification on the opening music, unusual names for children, a hacked web page in response to the "Frontline" feature, speculation on what certain antennas might mean, more advances on high speed rail in Japan, Germany now wants to phase out nuclear power.

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May 31
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