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- 09 / 02 / 08 -

A musical tribute to Hurricane Gilbert, the incredible timing of Hurricane Gustav to completely screw up the Republican Convention, how the situation might have played out, an appeal to Internet listeners, the surprise selection of Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate, the phoniness of politics, wondering how it's possible for anyone to support the McCain/Palin ticket, wondering why people are so afraid of Obama, Palin pregnancy scandals, reports indicate the haste with which Palin was selected, past comments by Palin on the position of vice president, a relative of Palin is an Obama supporter, Amy Goodman is arrested in St. Paul at the Republican Convention, Emmanuel's memories of his experience four years ago to the day, the significance that an Obama victory will have even if he winds up selling out, a presidential debate is coming up on Long Island in October, a special political show is on tomorrow's "Off The Hook."

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September 2
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- 09 / 09 / 08 -

Kim Jong Il is missing, Stephen Harper dissolves Parliament in Canada, the Large Hadron Collider, recreating the conditions less than a millionth of a second after the Big Bang, an angry mob is outside, a political poem, the mob is upset that McCain is somehow ahead in the polls, Emmanuel explains to the mob why this doesn't matter, how the electoral college system works, some potential voting controversy involving disenfranchisement, how people can still register, a controversy involving Sarah Palin and a librarian in Alaska, some other disturbing facts about Palin.

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September 9
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- 09 / 16 / 08 -

The election draws ever closer, realizing that Bush has been in power for the entire history of the show, replaying the beginning of the very first episode, there is always something to panic about, how Long Island's sirens work, a demonstration of Stony Brook's new siren alert system, what an all-clear signal is, Stony Brook officially announces beverage "pouring rights" for Pepsi, feedback to the Sarah Palin interviews, the risk of putting an unqualified person in such a position of power, how Palin has been shielded from the press, the electoral college numbers have tightened up since last week, the economy is starting to tank, a call critical of the president of Stony Brook, why electing Obama could make change possible even if he doesn't do anything differently, a tribute to Rick Wright.

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September 16
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- 09 / 23 / 08 -

Emmanuel wonders how the polls could possibly be so close, how the people who don't care are the problem, comparing Sarah Palin to a typical sixth grade teacher, how race may play a part in the election, how people are wary of voting for Obama, Palin is set to meet with nine world leaders, weirdness involving the financial bailout, some great campaign slogans, Emmanuel urges people to watch the upcoming debate, hoping for an aggressive Obama, the "knucklehead" vote, Obama on gun rights, thoughts on Ron Paul, why Obama can't be too radical, calls from around the country, there will never be an easier election for the Democrats to win.

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September 23
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- 09 / 30 / 08 -

More Internet problems, some of the major issues with the Stony Brook Internet policy, Emmanuel is convinced that SUVs don't come equipped with turn signals, various SUV incidents, examples of great conversations that are had in bars, the desire to not understand the financial crisis, why the idea of a bailout is so unpopular, Emmanuel is looking forward to the Canadian election in October, the scandal of plagiarism involving Stephen Harper, an interesting fact regarding the upcoming Canadian debates, Sarah Palin makes a controversial comment, an update on the electoral college vote count, how being in a swing state is of particular importance, Emmanuel's pledge if the election is lost, why Obama didn't come out stronger in the debate, remembering high school physics, the desperation of John McCain, how the campaign has taken away three senators, WUSB has been nominated as the best college radio station in the country by MTVU, Emmanuel will be going to Canada next week.

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September 30
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