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- 10 / 02 / 07 -

Emmanuel has just returned from Austria and Italy, the topic choice is between Blackwater and Britney Spears, an excerpt from Italian radio, theories on whether or not this is a pirate station, trying to keep the spirit from overseas, Emmanuel will be heading to Brazil in a few weeks, the many trips Emmanuel has taken this summer, the various warnings received about going to the Italian hacker gathering, Emmanuel also went to the countries of San Marino and Vatican City, calls will be taken tonight, the impact of seeing Rome for the first time, Emmanuel's advice on how to see Europe, dealing with inconveniences, an appeal for feedback on the away shows, the hacker event in Pisa was held in a squat, Emmanuel is searched and questioned again after returning to the States, how people seem to enjoy life so much more overseas, the tragedy of the New York Mets, first reports of the Blackwater scandal, what Blackwater actually is, a history of incidents, a New York Times editorial on the subject, the Jena Six controversy, the racism inherent in the system, what isn't being talked about in this case, why violence should never be tolerated, an update on the Newsday forum story, debating the Jena Six case.

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October 2
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- 10 / 09 / 07 -

The show is four minutes late, a teenager in England is arrested for having a copy of "The Anarchist Cookbook," another shooting incident involving a private security firm in Iraq, why it's easier not to believe the Blackwater version of their shooting incident last month, a more detailed account of the shootings, plans for a maglev train in Germany, Emmanuel finds something to complain about in Europe, Redhackt visits the show on leave from the Finnish army, trying to figure out what's causing a buzz on the air, Redhackt explains why he decided to serve in the Finnish army, some of the major differences between the Finnish and American armies, how the system in Finland works, why Redhackt would like to live in Finland, how the American government views dual citizens who serve in other armies, Redhackt has cut off his hair, a listener identifies last week's Italian music as Gigi D'Agostino, the advantage of using Russian sites to buy and download music, preparing to go into delay, a malfunction leaves Redhackt behind, comments from an angry caller, doubts about whether the Democrats can make things any better, memories of Japan, Redhackt may be able to be on "Off The Hook" from Finland, a tribute to John Lennon 67 years after his birth.

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October 9
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- 10 / 16 / 07 -

A fight with the delay system, Emmanuel will be in Brazil next week and the program from Italy will air, the Turkey controversy and how it could affect American foreign policy, Emmanuel is sick this week, how a House subcommittee is causing all kinds of grief, Emmanuel is distracted by his phone, defining genocide, the defense offered by the head of Blackwater, the recent statement made by General Ricardo Sanchez on the Iraq situation, how the names of the Blackwater employees accused of engaging in a massacre are being kept secret, the issue of waterboarding and the definition of torture, the issue of squatters overseas, spelling names with numbers, how it's possible to easily read words that are jumbled, Emmanuel's addiction to Norwegian sausage, the Japanese seaweed Emmanuel found in Singapore, feedback to the Jena Six controversy, a data memory stick in a high school class causes problems for a state legislator, overreaction to a comment made on "Desperate Housewives," new traffic signs prove to be a tremendous waste of money, admonishing people for not calling in quickly enough.

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October 16
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- 10 / 23 / 07 -

Emmanuel is in Rimini on the way to San Marino, the ease of getting around foreign countries, a clock tower in San Marino where Emmanuel is now, the massive amounts of tourists in town, this is the oldest republic in the world, the interesting top level domain in San Marino and its possibilities, a brief stop in Rome, Emmanuel is in yet another country, what Vatican City is like, the experience of climbing St. Peter's Basilica, a word about church bells, talking to people in Pisa, Daniele explains a fun article in the current issue of La Nazione, how a journalist was fooled with a fake story at the Italian hacker meeting, estimating the number of people in attendance, wondering whether such a meeting could happen in New York, Emmanuel explains the various places he's traveled to Fabio, what goes on at the Microsoft Blue Hat conference, Fabio describes how the hacker underground is being bought out and hired away, the fragmentation of the American hacker scene, Fabio describes plans to disrupt the Myanmar infrastructure, words from the author of the "hoax virus," Odo discusses the roots of his name, the importance of cooking to the Italian culture, "bread building" at the meeting, what the "crypto kitchen" is, the attention to detail on everything food related in Italy, "illegal cheese," the importance of the Hotel Pennsylvania to those outside the States, Odo describes the quality of the food in New York, Bombo explains why there are no leaders here, the history of the squat that's being used for the event.

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October 23
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- 10 / 30 / 07 -

Emmanuel got back from Brazil at six in the morning yesterday, the incredibly long wait for a train out east, tonight is a fundraising edition, a brand new 2600 sweatshirt is being introduced, Emmanuel recounts his travels to Austin and Sao Paulo, major delays flying through Chicago, what it was like to be stuck at an airport for many hours, trying to get a car rental company to stay open late, looking for bats in Austin, an update on KPWR, what the Alamo Drafthouse is all about, the stream has been down for the first part of the show, flying to Brazil, what "Chop" beer is, describing what a Brazilian barbecue was like, the traffic of Sao Paulo and the challenge of crossing the street, the club scene in Brazil, why it's important to try different things, the overwhelming presence of Jack Daniels, rules for connecting to the Jack Daniels website, a fake press conference from FEMA, the State Department offers the Blackwater suspects immunity while their identities continue to be kept secret, calling Bernie S. for an update on Jim from "Off The Hook" who suffered a massive stroke a couple of weeks ago, trying to imagine what Jim is going through now, Bernie's experience of a few years ago where he temporarily couldn't read, how to send things to Jim, a Tom Waits special is following. This show includes fundraising.

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October 30
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