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- 02 / 03 / 98 -

Emmanuel has temporary amnesia because of the long period of time between shows, the entire Clinton scandal came and went while the show was off the air, the drive to outlaw sales of used software, dispelling the rumors of a new FCC fee on data connections, a high school student is expelled for writing an article on hacking, the case of the allegedly gay person who was kicked out of the Navy because his information was given out by AOL, Bell Atlantic's ADSL plans, an update on cable modems, Omnipoint continues its expansion, IDT offers five cent a minute phone service over the Internet, a listener has a run-in with a New Jersey ISP, the low-tech Metrocard hack, a dialing trick to get lower rates from Bell Atlantic payphones.

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February 3
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- 02 / 10 / 98 -

A warning from the Coast Guard on telephone fraud, AOL raises its prices, a report on international encryption controls, Monica Lewinsky's email address, ACLU information, Emmanuel and Bernie S. have an adventure with a payphone in Philadelphia, an interview with Owen Davis who runs www.nynexsucks.com and www.bellatlanticsucks.com, timing the response of 411, Phiber's Omnipoint bill goes down, an update on US West implementation of ADSL, complaints about useless and annoying Bell Atlantic features.

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February 10
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- 02 / 17 / 98 -

Employees are captured on cameras committing crimes in a bathroom, more annoying Bell Atlantic services, a listener has a mysterious encounter with a beeper number, 2600.com crashes because of a destructive backup, attorney Roger Slates discusses the status of the Kevin Mitnick case three years after his imprisonment, the frustration of having to deal with 200 million pages of evidence that the government won't allow Mitnick to look at, ways people can get involved.

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February 17
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- 02 / 24 / 98 -

Announcement for an upcoming microbroadcasters' convention, an experiment involving cell phones, interview with Paul Figueiredo who has challenged the Nabisco Corporation by registering oreos.com, word of a service offering free PPP, clarification of terms for Kevin Mitnick's eventual release, a defense of Bell Atlantic engineers, a caller accuses phone companies of fraud with relation to Caller ID.

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February 24
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