2600 Subject Index Volumes 1 (1984) - 10 (1993)

David Price

Subjects are shown in the first column, citations are listed in the
second column using the following format: 
V(N):P  V = Volume, N = Number, P = Page

(L) Indicates a letter

00                              4(9):6
10698                           7(1):30(L)
(201)                           6(2):20
202 bug                         3(9):65
2600 Magazine                   1(1):1, 2(8):51, 4(12):3
2600 meetings                   10(2):17, 10(2):16, 10(4):35, 7(1):38,
                                10(1):43, 10(3):18, 9(4):4 
2600--voice bbs                 9(3):40(L)
2600--BBS                       2(2):9, 2(8):49
4TEL                            6(3):20
(516)                           5(3):14
540s                            8(1):19
550 blocking                    4(11):8
"606 Emergency"                 5(1):24(L)
6.5536 crystal                  7(3):32
*69                             9(2):31
(707)                           7(1):44
800s                            6(1):12, 2(6):37, 6(1):12
800--DTMF recognition           3(12):92(L)
800--tariffs                    2(1):4(L)
800--translation table          6(1):12
8038 chip                       4(12):22(L), 4(10):12(L)
900s                            2(11):79
900 translation table           6(1):12
911                             1(10):57, 7(1):37, 
911--documents                  7(2):4
959 Numbers                     4(5):8
97*s                            4(10):4
976 scam                        4(7):8
976 social interactions         4(12):17
9999-suffixes                   1(1):4
access                          3(11):84(L)
ACD                             9(3):28(L)
ACM SIGSOFT                     4(11):13(L)
acronym maker                   4(1):13(L)
acronyms                        10(1):34, 10(2):20, 2(2):11, 10(3):44,
ACTS                            6(1):30, 1(11):62
ADS                             1(9):53, 1(5):2, 1(1):2 
ADS--Investigation              1(2):9
Albania                         7(1):23
Allah Akbar!                    3(11):86
Allnet                          5(2):2, 4(6):4
alliance                        2(5):26
American Express--hacking       3(3):17
AmiExpress--hacking             9(3):4
ANAC Guide                      7(3):39
ANI Hunting                     4(1):18(L), 3 (11):84
ANSI Bomb                       10(2):44
answer supervision              3(9):65
anti-hacker propaganda          2(1):1, 7(2):11
AOS                             5(3):10
Approaching Zero Book Review    10(3):38
ARAPANet                        1(6):1
Area Code Expansion             1(3):3
ARPANet military subnet         1(3):5
Arpanet                         4(9):4
arrests...see busts
AT&T Break-up                   1(6):4, 2(11):74
AT&T failure                    6(4):4
AT&T Shutdown                   6(4):4
AT&T Strike                     1(4):1
AT&T Thought Police             2(11):79
ATM III                         4(6):12(L)
ATMs                            1(4):3, 4(7):8
ATMs, Book Reviews              4(2):21
atomic bomb                     1(3):4
ATT Addresses                   9(4):36
Australian phone system         9(1):31
Automatic Call Distributor      9(3):28(L)
AUTOVON                         3(5):37, 4(6):18(L), 3(3):17, 6(1):7, 9(4):19
baby bells                      1(7):3
back doors                      2(1):2
bank records                    1(5):3, 2(7):42
BASIC                           3(1):5
BASIC dialer program            5(1):20
basic phreaking Q & A           6(2):29(L)
BASIC Red Box Tones             5(3):22
basic terms                     4(5):13(L)
BBS Disclaimers                 4(7):12(L), 4(10):16
BBS--Government                 10(2):39
BBS--Protecting a User Log      3(2):16(L)
beepers                         4(11):12(L)
Bell computers                  9(4):42
Bell Routing Codes              5(1):42
Bellco cops                     5(1):22
Bellcore Publications           3(5):36
Best Boast                      5(1):24(L)
Big Brother                     3(12):91, 9(1):42, 8(4):8, 1(12):68, 7(3):16,
billing signals                 3(9):65
BIN list                        8(2):31
BITnet                          2(1):6, 4(9):4
black band                      4(11):7
BLV (Busy Line Verification)    5(3):27(L), 8(4):42, 4(12):10
bogus tap-check number myth     4(2):13(L)
Box--Beige                      5(4):42, 10(1):14, 10(3):9
Box--Blue                       3(2):12 (L), 2(10):69, 9(4):33, 2(2):7,
                                3(5):36 (L), 10(3):9, 6(1):25 (L), 3(5):38
Box--Clear                      1(7):4
Box--Combo                      9(3):13
Box--General info               10(3):9, 5(1):16
Box--Green                      7(1):29 (L), 10(3):9
Box--Rainbow                    10(3):9, 9(2):15
Box--Red                        5(2):13, 10(2):42, 7(3):32, 8(3):43, 10(3):9
Box--Silver in U.K.             7(1):19
Box--Silver                     6(4):20, 9(4):19, 9(1):16, 10(3):9, 1(11):64
                                (L), 3(3):17
Box--White                      2(4):19, 10(3):9
Box--yellow                     10(3):9
braille computer                3(12):95
British Telecom                 8(2):35
British Payphones               4(10):17(L)
busts                           4(3):18, 4(7):18 (L), 6(2):26 (L), 4(7):6,
                                2(5):27, 1(7):7, 3(12):91, 2(2):9, 8(4):36,
                                1(10):55, 10(4):4, 8(3):4, 7(3):44, 8(2):4,
                                4(8):3, 8(4):8, 7(3):10, 7(1):3, 6(1):3,
                                8(1):11, 8(2):12, 8(1):11, 6(2):34, 9(2):22
Busy Line Verification...see BLV
busy                            10(4):9
busy--"fast busy tones"         5(2):27(L)
busy--busy verification         3(10):80(L)
cable descrambling              10(1):16, 3(8):63
cable vaults                    7(4):12
Call Forwarding, Diverting      2(10):65
Call-Waiting Phone Tap          6(3):27
callback verification           9(3):9
Caller ID                       3(12):91, 8(1):19, 9(2):18, 7(3):5, 10(3):12,
                                8(2):22, 8(2):35
Caller ID--and Cell Phones      10(3):42
calling ards                    1(4):3, 1(6):3, 1(1):3, 1(2):9
call records (ESS)              1(2):8
call traces (ESS)               1(2):8
canning                         3(10):76(L), 5(4):42
Captain Crunch                  4(3):4
Captain Midnight                3(9):68(L)
Captain Zap's sins              5(2):24(L)
card copiers                    8(2):7
Carrier Access Codes            6(3):42
CCCP                            3(3):23
CCIS                            4(11):12(L), 2(2):7, 4(5):6
CCITT                           9(2):10
CD-ROM                          3(12):95
cellular biopsy                 10(4):6
cellular fraud bust             4(4):8
cell frequencies                4(1):10, 10(1):4, 4(7):13(L)
cellular modem                  3(5):35
cellular phones                 2(11):79, 5(3):8, 10(4):6, 4(6):8, 3(12):89,
                                4(2):13(L), 4(2):8, 10(3):42, 4(7):4,
                                3(11):90, 10(1):4
cellular phones--history        3(11):90
Central Offices                 2(3):14, 7(4):12
Central Office IDs              4(10):14
Chaos Computer Club             5(4):34
China                           3(8):63
Chinese dial-a-narc             6(2):35
CIA                             1(12):68, 1(8):46(L)
Carrier Identification  Codes   1(11):65
CIC                             7(1):8
CID... see Caller ID 
ciphers                         9(4):6
CLASS features                  8(4):31, 8(2):22, 4(5):6 
CLLI codes                      4(10):14
CN/A                            3(9):72(L), 4(8):12, 2(3):18, 
CNA--Lists                      4(4):10
CND                             8(2):22
CO Magazine                     4(9):22
COCOTS                          6(4)27(L), 7(2):20, 7(4):27(L), 8(2):28
                                (L), 8(3):25(L), 9(3):13, 8(1):19, 4(11):8
COCOT--database list            8(4):33 
COCOT--numbers                  8(3):22
COCOT--refund letters           8(4):33
COCOT--tricks                   7(3):27(L)
codes                           9(4):6
codes--methods                  1(3):2
coin boxes                      5(3):10
coin-test number                4(4):20(L)
COLTs                           6(3):20
commentary                      2(8):50
Common Language Location Identifer...see CLLI
Communications Fraud Control 
 Association                    7(4):43
competition                     6(3):3
Compuserve                      3(10):75
Computel                        2(3):15
Computel scam                   3(2):12(L), 4(4):4, 3(5):34
computer confiscation           2(8):54
computer lore                   9(2):40
computer shows                  10(4):16
computer threat                 1(6):3
conferences                     10(3):4
Congress--paranoia              10(3):4
CONSUS                          6(1):7
cop watching                    9(1):7
cordless phones                 1(1):3, 6(2):22, 7(1):19 
Cornwall, Hugo                  4(2):4
corvis hacking                  4(11):12(L)
COSMOS                          2(2):8, 6(3):13, 4(2):6, 4(3):10, 2(12):82,
COSMOS--abbreviations           4(3):10
COSMOS--demise                  6(3):13
COSMOS--documentation           4(2):6
COSMOS--history                 4(3):10
COSNIX Operating System         4(2):6
Country codes                   1(2):10, 3(7):53
couplers                        9(2):4
court news                      3(4):27, 2(4):21, 1(4):3, 1(6):3, 8(4):36,
covering tracks                 4(7):6
covert radio broadcasts         4(11):7
CPA-1000                        4(8):12(L)
credit card algorithms          7(3):42
credit files                    10(1):42
Cross-Bar--oddities             3(3):20(L)
crypt preview                   8(3):44
crypt() source code             8(4):11
current events                  3(3):22
customs                         8(2):35
"Cyberpunk" fictions            8(2):42
DAST                            10(4):22
data transmission--quality      3(9):71
DCS                             3(3):17
DEC-20--hacking                 2(7):41
(DEC)PDP                        3(4):25
Defense Communications Agency   5(1):24(L)
Defense Data Network listing    1(5):4
Denning, Dorthy                 7(3):10
Department of Justice           9(2):22
deregulation                    1(7):3
dial back security              3(2):10
Dialed Number Recorder--see DNR
dialer--demon                   9(2):15
dialer programs                 5(1):20
dialing * on rotary phones      3(12):96
dialup numbers                  4(8):6
Dicicco, Lenny                  8(2):42
digital lock combinations       10(4):38
Direct Analog Storage Technology...see DAST 
direct dialing                  4(3):8
directories                     2(5):27, 3(12):95
Directory Assistance
 --usage fees                   1(2):9
Disney radio frequencies        9(1):17
divestiture                     3(1):1
DMERT                           10(2):4, 8(4):45
DMS 100                         1(7):3(L), 10(4):10
DNIC (Data Network ID Codes)    7(1):40
DNR                             7(3):16
DOCKMASTER break in             5(3):20
DoD                             3(3):19
DSM                             6(4):14
DSS1                            10(3):36
DTMF dialers                    8(3):43
DTMF decoder                    7(1):14, 10(2):14
DTMF overview                   9(2):10
dumpster diving                 1(2):10, 2(2):8, 1(9):50
Duophone CPA-1000               4(5):22
Dutch hackers                   8(3):4
E-Card                          4(5):8
E-COM                           1(6):3, 1(6):5
EASYnet                         8(2):18
Electronic Freedom Foundation   7(2):10
Electronic Privacy Act          4(6):8, 4(4):8
electronic surveillance--NSA    2(12):83
email systems                   1(12):71
Emergency Interrupts            4(12):10
encryption                      3(4):31, 3(10):79, 2(1):3, 9(4):6
equal access                    4(5):17(L), 4(3):6, 4(3):8, 4(12):20
errata for 4(9)                 4(10):18
ESN                             10(4):6, 10(1):4, 10(3):42, 4(7):4 
espionage                       2(3):15
#1ESS                           7(4):12, 10(4):10
#4ESS                           7(4):28(L)
#5ESS switch                    10(2):4, 10(4):10, 8(4):45, 8(4):45
ESS                             3(10):79, 1(2):8, 1(6):2, 6(1):25(L),
                                2(11):74, 1(7):3, 10(4):10
ESS Bust methods                1(7):3(L)
essay                           2(12):81, 1(12):67, 7(4):32
European phone systems          4(5):9
exchanges                       3(8):62
Falwell, Jerry                  5(1):25, 5(2):39, 3(1):3
Farrell's Ice Cream-covered 
 narcs                          1(8):45
fax taps                        9(1):42
FAX                             4(5):14
ftp tricks                      8(3):14
FBI                             3(11):83, 3(10):75, 3(9):67, 1(11):63,
                                9(2):22, 1(1):2, 4(8):9, 1(1):3
FCC                             4(6):8, 3(9):71, 1(6):3
*features                       8(4):31
Feds                            9(2):38
feeder groups                   5(3):4
fiber-optics laid 
 along rails                    3(6):48(L)
finger monitor program          9(1):35
fingerprints                    3(12):95
FM wireless transmitter--plans  8(4):44
fortress fones...see pay phones 
Frame Room                      7(4):12
France                          2(12):83
gangs                           7(4):36
GBS                             4(10):4
GEISCO                          2(1):3
general phone rants             4(1):20
Germany                         2(12):87
Gore, Albert                    5(1):26(L)
grade hacking                   10(2):13, 10(4):15, 10(3):34, 6(4):45,
GTD#5                           2(11):73
GTE--Telemail                   1(1):3
GTE Telcos                      6(3):33
Gulf War printer virus          8(4):39
"Hacker"                        9(1):36
Hacker Con                      6(3):10
The Hacker Crackdown            9(3)21
hacker morality                 2(6):34
hacker scares                   9(4):4
hacker sourcebooks              1(11):64(L)
hacker study                    10(1):38
hacker video                    8(3):14
Hacker's Handbook               4(2):15, 4(2):4
hackers credo                   1(3):1, 9(4):17
hackers in hiding               8(3):24(L)
hacking beginnings              9(3):42
hacking history                 5(1):16
hacking lore                    8(4):16, 2(8):52, 5(1):24(L), 4(2):13(L)
hacking reading list            7(4):6
hacking recycling machines      1(2):9
hacking statistics              3(6):41
Hack-Tic                        9(2):15
harmonica bug                   2(9):58
HBO                             3(10):75
Hess, Mark                      7(1):45
high school hacking--news       1(3):3
history--phreaking UK           1(9):49
Hoffman, Abbie                  4(1):4
         --Obituary             6(2):3
Holland's hackers               2(4):21
home monitoring                 1(4):2
honesty tests                   10(3):20
HP2000--hacking                 2(3):20
human database centers          8(4):46
humorous defense against 
 telco threats                  2(2):10(L)
IBM                             1(1):2
IBM's Audio Distribution 
 System                         1(5):2
IC                              1(11):65
ICLID                           7(3):5
ICN                             3(11):81
IMAS                            4(10):4
IMTS                            3(4):26, 3(12):89
In-Band Signaling               2(2):7
India                           3(9):67
induction coil--plans           7(3):36
infinity transmitter            2(9):58
information manipulation        9(4):17
INSPECT                         8(2):18
Intelpost                       1(5):3
internet dialups                10(4):32
internet outdials               8(1):40
internet worm                   5(4):4, 6(3):39
Interoffice Signalling          7(4):12
intro to hacking                2(6):40
IRS                             3(2):15, 3(10):79, 2(1):3, 2(3):15, 2(6):35
ISDN                            10(3):36, 8(1):42 
Israel--phone system            2(6):33, 4(4):16
Israeli computer surveillance 
 of West Bank                   4(12):8
Italian hackers                 4(12):18
ITT 2100 switch                 4(7):12(L)
ITT--boxing                     3(5):38
I've fallen and I can't 
 get up                         3(9):67
Jackson, Steve                  10(2):45, 10(1):18
jail                            10(4):4
JANET                           4(9):4
Kenya                           2(3):15
Kiev                            3(6):47
KKK--racist BBS systems         2(1):3
Kranyak, Jack                   3(5):34, 4(4):4
Landreth, Bill                  4(9):12(L)
laptop tone generation          9(4):45
laptops                         1(2):9, 9(2):4
LASS System                     4(5):6
law enforcement--confiscation   2(8):54
LD Carriers                     4(12):20
LD Fees                         1(5):3
LEC                             8(1):42
legalistic banter               2(1):4(L)
Legislative Network             7(4):4
letter sorting machines         8(3):32, 8(4):32
lineman's handset               10(1):14
LODCOM compilation review       10(3):19
loop number patterns            4(1):12(L), 1(9):52(L)
loop testing                    6(3):20
magnetic card tricks            9(1):27, 8(4):40 (L), 8(2):7
mail drops                      7(3):29 (L)
manholes                        5(3):4, 7(4):12
Marcos                          3(4):27
marine radio ch 26              7(1):19
Marquee                         3(3):19
Max Headroom-Chicago style      4(12):8
MCI Mail--hacking               1(12):67, 1(7):2
MCI Numbers                     1(4):5
MCI scam                        5(4):10
MCI                             6(1):36, 1(3):2, 8(2):16
media hype                      8(3):4
merchant ship calls             2(6):36(L)
MF tones                        2(3):16(L)
microwave links                 1(3):2
MicoVAX                         3(9):71
military computers              5(1):24 (L)
MILNet                          2(7):45
MIN                             4(7):4
Minitel                         4(9):8, 9(4):8
missile systems                 2(4):21
Mitnick, Kevin                  7(1):3, 6(1):3, 6(3):14, 8(2):42
MIZAR                           7(1):8
mobile hacking                  9(2):4
mobile telephone freqs          6(3):24 (L), 8(4):18, 3(4):26
monitoring microwave            5(1):4
Morris, Robert                  6(3):14, 6(4):6, 7(1):23
motivation--hackers             1(3):1
MTSO                            3(12):89
MPOW                            4(5):12(L)
narcs                           9(2):38, 1(11):64(L)
National Coordinating Center    5(1):24 (L)
Navy                            3(10):75
Nazi BBS                        2(3):13
NCCCD                           3(6):41
Neidorf, Craig                  7(1):3, 7(2):4, 7(2):3, 7(2):8, 7(3):44,
neo-Nazi games                  8(2):12
net addresses                   2(4):23, 3(11):82
Network 2000                    7(3):8
news                            4(10):8, 5(1):37, 9(4):19, 4(11):8
new services                    8(2):35
non-supervised phone lines      3(6):44(L)
Nothing New in 
 Computer Underground           3(6):42
NPA count                       6(4):44
NSA                             2(10):67, 1(9):51, 2(7):47, 1(10):57,
                                3(9):67, 5(3):20, 2(12):83, 3(10):79
NSA's Phone Number              2(3):16(L)
NUAs--international             4(10):10
nuclear free America            4(3):2
numbers                         4(12):21, 5(2):44, 9(1):45
NY Tel                          4(7):15
Nynex exchange addresses        10(4):18
NYNEX                           8(2):11, 6(4):9, 6(3):36
NYNEX--Radio Frequencies        8(2):32
NYNEX--switch guide             6(4):9
obit--David Flory AKA Dan 
 Foley AKA The Shadow           6(2):45
    --Abbey Hoffman             6(2):2
operating systems..see individual entries (e.g. VM/CMS, UNIX...)
operator humor                  7(4):16
operator identification of 
 payphone                       1(2):10(L)
operator service                4(9):6
operators                       1(10):56
operators--social engineering   3(5):33
operators--USSR                 5(4):30
ouch!                           5(2):16
outages                         8(2):35
outdial list                    8(1):40, 8(2):44
"Out of the Inner Circle"       2(6):34
outside local loop 
 distribution plant             5(3):4
pagers--scanning                4(6):5
paranoia                        1(7):3, 2(1):1, 3(5):39, 8(2):4, 2(8):50,
                                1(7):1, 9(4):4
parking summons                 1(7):3
password grabber                3(8):60(L)
passwords                       4(9):14, 8(1):36, 9(3):31, 4(8):10,
passwords--common               9(3):31
passwords--hacking IBMs         8(1):36
passwords--UNIX                 8(1):31
pay phones                      6(1):30, 1(11):62, 6(3):37, 1(2):10
pay phone--destruction          3(10):73
pay phone--dissection           3(10):73, 9(1):20
PBX trix                        4(1):12(L)
PC Pursuit                      2(9):58
PC Pursuit--hacking             4(4):6
PC-Pursuit--outdial list        8(2):44
PDP-11                          2(11):73
Pen registers                   3(2):11, 4(9):13, 4(12):12(L), 4(5):22
Pentagon                        1(12):69
People Express                  2(5):25
pet cemeteries                  8(2):35 
Phiber Optik                    10(4):4
phone directories of the World  4(4):16
phone frequencies               5(4):19
phone interception              5(1):4
phone news                      9(2):19
phone numbers                   8(1):17
Phoenix Project                 7(1):3
Phrack                          7(1):3, 7(2):3, 7(2):4, 7(2):8, 8(1):11,
                                8(4):36, 9(2):22 
phreak anticdotes               1(9):52
phreak history                  2(11):80, 5(3):9
phreak typologies               2(3):13
phreaking overview              9(2):10
Pick operating system           3(6):42
pink noise                      2(2):7
PINs                            4(11):8
pirate radio                    6(2):42
Pitcairn Island                 2(9):59
PKZIP BBS hack method           9(1):12
plane phones                    1(11):63
poetry                          4(8):20, 4(3):4
police computers                2(5):27
police setups                   3(4):30
police surveillance             1(8):44
political hacking               7(4):4
porn                            2(6):35
postal paranoia                 4(3):12(L), 1(4):20(L)
POSTNET                         8(4):21, 8(3):32
PRIMOS                          7(2):14, 6(2):4, 6(4):14
prison computers                8(4):5
prison phones                   7(3):29(L), 9(4):13
prison update                   8(2):46
privacy                         1(5):3
Privacy Act of 1974             8(3):18
Private Sector BBS              2(8):49, 2(9):59, 3(1):1, 3(3):22, 3(4):30
Prodigy censorship              6(4):43(L)
Prodigy--STAGE.DAT conspiracy   8(3):26, 8(4):29(L), 8(1):19
product list                    7(4):6
product review: Duophone 
 CPA-1000                       4(5):22
Programs--Hacking IBMs          8(1):36
PRONTO                          2(7):42
proto-phreak                    5(3):9
PSAP                            7(1):37
psychological makeups           8(3):38
psychobabble                    7(3):44
Puerto Rico                     3(10):76(L)
pyramid schemes                 3(10):79, 4(6):4
radio scanners                  6(2):22, 5(4):45
Raids...see busts  
RC channel                      10(2):4, 8(4):45
RCI                             3(9):65
RCMAC                           7(1):8
Reagan, Ron                     2(5):27, 1(12):69, 3(11):83
REMOB (Remote
 Observation)                   5(1):27(L), 2(5):28(L), 6(3):32, 7(1):24(L),
resources guide                 3(6):46, 7(4):6
return call                     9(2):31
The Rise of the Computer State  1(8):44
ROLM                            6(3):24(L), 3(11):88(L)
ROLM CBX II 9000                5(1):30
Rose, Len                       8(2):12, 8(1):11
routing codes                   5(1):42
Royko, Mike                     2(11):75
RS CPA-1000                     4(5):22
RSTS                            3(4):25, 2(11):73
Russian phone books             3(5):36(L)
Russian phone numbers           3(5):36(L)
SAC                             5(3):4
Santa scam                      6(1):36
SAT                             10(1):4
satellite phone transmissions   4(11):7
satellite links                 5(1):4
satellite jamming               3(3):23
satellites--hacking myths       2(8):52
Saudi Arabia                    4(7):21, 3(10):80(L)
scams                           7(4):22, 2(4):21
scanners                        7(1):19
SCCs                            7(1):8, 7(1):37
school records                  10(2):13, 10(4):15, 10(3):34
scramblers                      1(8):46(L), 3(4):29
secret frequencies              8(2):32
Secret Service                  2(6):34, 9(4):4, 9(4):12, 9(2):38, 10(1):18,
                                10(1):43, 10(3):18 
Secret Service--radio 
 frequencies                    9(1):17
secured trunks                  6(1):24(L)
sentry security                 8(4):5
security                        8(2):18, 7(3):10
Serving Area Interface          5(3):4
Sherwood Forest--busted         2(6):34
shortwave                       3(9):67
$SHOW PROCESS/PRIV              4(1):6
Simplex corrections             8(4):21
Simplex lock location guide     9(1):38
Simplex locks                   8(3):6
SL-1 Switch                     3(9):68(L)
Smartphone hacking              10(4):11
"Sneakers"                      9(3):17
social engineering              2(3):14, 2(4):19
Social Security Number 
 prefixes                       4(11):6
South Africa                    4(10):11
South African phreaks           6(2):24(L)
SouthWestern Bell               9(4):42
Soviet Union                    8(1):16
Spain                           6(2):36
Speech Thing: product review    9(4):45
spoofing VAX login              4(8):10
Springsteen                     2(11):75
Sprint                          6(2):34
spying on 2600                  7(3):44
SS7                             10(3):12
SSNs                            3(7):51, 8(3):18
SSTs                            7(1):12
Step Offices                    1(5):1
Sterling, Bruce                 9(3)21
Steve Jackson Games             10(1):23
Stasi                           8(1):19
sting BBS's                     3(6):44(L), 3(9):66
stings                          3(5):39
Stoll, Cliff                    7(1):45
Strowger, Almon                 5(3):9
submarine cable maps            4(8):11
surveillance                    3(12):95
survey                          2(12):84, 4(8):15
Sweden's "Person Numbers"(ID)   1(3):3
SWITCH                          8(1):42
switch guide                    1(5):1, 7(4):12, 10(4):9, 10(4):10
switch overloading              3(12):91
switch-hook dialing             4(12):12(L)
switches...see specific switch
switching centers               1(10):56
switching routes                2(3):16(L)
switching systems               2(5):27
Sysops--protective measures     2(8):55
TAP                             4(1):4, 6(2):43
taping payphone tones           7(3):36
telco info-fishing techniques   3(10):76(L)
telco nonsense                  1(5):4, 9(3):36
telco offices                   10(2):36
telco reneging                  2(10):65
telco--fighting back            1(8):46
telco--assisting wiretaps       2(1):1
tele-harassment                 3(2):10
Telecom                         6(3):12, 3(8):58
Telecom debit cards             4(1):8
teleconferencing                2(5):26
teleconferencing--anticdotes    1(4):4
telemail--access                1(4):2
Telenet                         3(6):47, 2(9):61, 4(6):9, 4(5):10, 3(11):84
                                (L), 1(2):7
telephone basics                1(8):43
telephone induction coil        7(3):36
Telstar 301                     4(11):7
TELETEL Networks                9(4):8
"Terac"                         5(1):24(L)
terminal locks                  8(3):44
test channel                    10(2):4, 8(4):45
test equipment--construction    8(2):14
test numbers                    2(11):77
Thailand                        2(6):39
Thought Police                  1(8):44, 8(4):8, 1(12):68, 7(3):16
time service                    2(4):21
TINA                            2(6):39
toll fraud detection            7(1):12, 9(3):43
tone tracer construction        8(2):14
tone catcher                    10(4):22
TOPS-10                         2(1):2
TOPS-20                         2(1):2
touch tones                     3(12):91
touch-tone fees                 4(10):6, 4(10):7, 4(2):18
trace procedures                3(1):4(L), 7(4):12
tracking devices                3(4):28(L)
trade magazines                 4(6):13(L)
transaction codes               2(12):82
Trans-Pacific Cable             2(11):79
trap tracing--defeating         7(3):22
trashing                        2(2):8, 1(2):10, 1(9):50, 3(10):73, 6(2):32
Travelnet                       1(11):61
trojan                          6(4):6, 5(2):4, 3(7):49
TRW                             2(2):9, 4(8):4, 1(7):5, 10(1):42
TSPS                            1(2):10, 2(1):4(L), 6(1):30, 1(11):62
TSPS Console                    4(6):6
TVRO                            5(1):4
UAPC                            6(3):4, 6(4):45
UK Data Protection Act          10(2):12
UK Message List                 4(9):10
UK Operator Numbers             3(8):58
Ultra Forward                   9(2):31
unassigned area codes           5(3):10
UNIX--common accounts           9(3):31
UNIX--hacking                   3(4):28(L), 3(8):57, 5(4):12, 6(3):28 (L),
                                6(4):4, 2(1):2 
UNIX--password hacker           9(1):18, 8(1):31, 8(2):24(L)
USC--Phony Degrees              2(2):9
U.S. Military Telephone 
 Network                        9(4):19
USPS                            8(3):32, 8(4):32
USSR                            2(4):21, 3(8):63, 5(4):30
UUCP                            4(9):4
VAX                             3(8):60(L), 4(5):4, 3(7):49, 2(9):57, 4(1):6
VAX--common accounts            9(3):31
VAX--worm                       6(2):38
VMS                             4(5):4
VDT                             3(3):19
VDT operators                   3(8):59
vehicle tracking monitors       1(1):3
verification                    2(9):58, 4(12):10
VFY                             4(12):10
video reviews                   10(2):40
VINs                            9(4):11
viri                            5(2):4, 5(2):8, 6(3):14, 9(3):19
virus--Atari code               8(1):4
virus--batch virus              9(1):8
virus--Gulf War                 8(4):39
virus--MSDOS (code)             9(1):4
virus "protection"              5(2):4, 9(1):9
virtual reality                 10(4):37
Virtual Memory operating System--see VMS
VM/CMS                          4(11):4, 4(12):4, 5(1):8
VM/CMS--acronyms                4(11):4
VM/CMS--filemodes               4(12:4
 characteristics                4(12):4
VM/CMS--privileged commands     4(12):4
voice mail hacking              6(3):36, 9(2):42
VMS                             3(3):18, 3(8):60(L), 2(9):57, 3(2):9,
                                2(10):66, 3(7):52, 4(1):6, 2(1):2
VMS--UAF                        2(10):66
VMS--common accounts            9(3):31
VMS--default passwords          3(7):52(L)
VR                              3(9):71
WATS                            5(3):23, 3(11):81, 1(9):52(L)
WATS directory                  4(1):18(L), 4(4):21(L)
Weathertrak codes               5(1):15
Weendland, Mike                 3(9):66
Western Union                   4(7):6
Western Union EasyLink          1(12):67
White House phones              1(1):5 ,10(1):12
wild claims                     6(4):30(L)
Winnipeg                        3(9):69
wire fraud news                 2(3):15
wireless modem                  4(7):13(L)
wiretaps                        1(4):3 2(6):35, 2(1):1, 7(3):30(L),
                                3(12):91, 1(11):63, 1(10):57, 2(9):58,
wiretaps--legalities            1(5):3
wiretaps--police                1(3):3
witch hunts                     7(3):10
word numbers                    4(4):15
world's most evil operator      1(7):3(L)
worms                           5(2):4
worm--Ada                       6(2):38
worm--internet                  6(3):39
WWIV BBS--hacking               9(1):12
XY Step switching station       1(5):3(L)
YIPL...see TAP
yellow pages                    3(3):23
yellow pages scam               2(5):27
Zinn, Herbert                   6(1):3, 7(1):3