Attention:Due to the popularity of this sticker among the kevin haters, we are currently sold out.

Show your support by spreading the word! Bumper Stickers are $1 dollar each, minimum order of 10. All proceeds go to the Legal Prosicution Fund for Kevin Mitnick. Make sure to make the payment out to Vladimir Horowitz.

Please make the CHECK or MONEY order (U.S. Funds) Made out to Vladimir Horowitz BUT send it to the 1337 address.

Vladimir Horowitz
A/C #:  696-969-6969

Legal Prosicution Fund for Kevin Mitnick
c/o Neato Elito

Our address is:
PO Box 1337
Kradville, NY 31337, USA

Attention:We are also sold out of this sticker.

Want an alternative to the classic yellow and black stickers?
This is another style of SCREW KEVIN stickers that we have.

Please feel free to put either of this images on your webpage to show your dissaproval of Kevin Mitnick. Adding a link from that pic to this page would be great too :).