Uh oh...It seems we have a small security
problem here..LoL.
This page is 0wned by L0rdM1stycal. AkA W4rl0rD
I am g0d.
h0 h0 h0 h0 naw, just kiddin, this site was
h4x0r3d by santa clause....
How d0es it feel t0 be 0wned lewzer?
The fact of the matter happens to be, the newz and the press, and the government all get the wrong idea of what a hacker really is, it kinda makes me sick, i'm doing this for edjucational perposes ONLY, and i'm doing it because it's fun, and i'm doing it because i'm smarter then you, but the main reason that i'm doing all this is because i'm g0d, naw, just kidding, i'm actually doing it, because you IDIOTS out there have no idea what hacking really is. If i see this on the newz and i hear a hacker did it, i'm going to hack 80 more pages, why? because what i just did isnt hacking, i diddn't delete anything, i diddn't fuck anything up, all they have 2 do is re-upload index.html or index.htm whichever it happens to be on that particular server. The point is i CRACKED this page, i diddn't HACK it, you people need to learn the difference between the 2, and stop badgering real hackers because of what some lamer did.
"This moment in history shall always be remembed, know thy name, but never know they face"
-99 L0rdMyst1cal